We Will Always Support Education – Point Boss

Friday, March 7, 2008

Mr Pap Saine, the Managing Director of The Point, has said that his institution will at all times “give support to anything that has to do with education.” He maintained that education is unique and paramount to human lives, noting it should be given due consideration.

“We should do everything to promote education. Without education, there will be no Heads of State, Ministers, doctors or journalists,” he said.

Mr Saine made these remarks when a team from the Education for All Campaign Network (ECN) and visited The Point to solicit the institution’s support of their efforts.

The ECN has as its mandate advocacy for more resources to be made available for education.

He promised the ECN team that his institution would, up to April, give full-page coverage to their activities, free of charge, in order to sensitize the public.

Mr Matarr Baldeh, National Coordinator for ECN, who led the two-man delegation, indicated that education is the business of everybody. He was accompanied on the visit by Marie Njie. He maintained that Government is doing quite a lot in terms of education, but noted that there are still some gaps that need to be filled, which should involve both government and the international donor organizations.

He revealed that every last week of April, Global Week of Action is commemorated in over a hundred countries all over the world and this year it will be held on the 23rd April. He explained that every year there is a central theme, which is used as part of the six ECN goals. He revealed that this year’s theme is ‘Quality Education to End Exclusion’, noting that it is known that there are certain individuals that are excluded from education because of poverty, or because they are girls or disabled.

“We have come here to solicit the cooperation and support of The Point. We feel if we are to create awareness, the media is a very important vehicle and medium to create that awareness,” he concluded.

Author: By Abba AS Gibba & Malafi Badjie
Source: The Point