Asylum Seekers’ Case Deferred

Tuesday, April 1, 2008
The five men- Saihou Ceesay, Baboucarr Sowe, Musa Jarjue, Masaneh Manka and Ansu Sanyang- arrested for falsely claiming kindred with Col. Ndure Cham, the fugitive former Chief of Defence Staff, first appeared before Principal Magistrate Buba Jawo on 13thMarch 2008 for claiming to have ties with the former Chief of Defence staff, for the purpose of enhancing their chances as asylum seekers in the Ukraine, a charge they all pleaded not guilty to.

Prosecutor ASP Bojang then applied to the court to adjourn the case to bring the necessary witnesses to testify. The application was granted and the case was adjourned to 31stMarch 2008, for continuation. On resumption yesterday, Prosecutor ASP Bojang again applied for the case to be adjourned to enable the prosecution to proceed.

Ansu Sanyang and Musa Jarjue informed the court that they had hired Borry Toury to defend them while Masaneh Manka said his family members were making arrangements to also hire Borry Toury as his counsel.

As a result, the case was adjourned to 14thApril 2008 for hearing.

Author: By Dawda Faye & Soury Camara