Caps to Wed Sussie Baker Today

Friday, April 11, 2008
Being appreciative of the love, loyalty and steadfastness of purpose which each has lavished on the other during a relationship that lasted for three solid years, Njobo Bah alias Caps and Sussie Baker will today tie themselves with a silvery chord in a sweet conjugal bond.

Entertainment can reveal that a number of invited guests will later today hightail it to the Kunta Kinteh Beach Bar on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean to be part of the uniquely joyous occasion of the marriage of Sussie and Caps.

In a chat with Entertainment a few days ahead of the golden moment, Caps confessed that he’s appreciative of the love and loyalty that his wife-to-be has lavished on him regardless of the low ebbs and triumphant highs which are the standard fare of any enduring relationship.

For the charming, self-effacing and dignifiedSussie, her union with Caps is a coalition of soul partners. “ I feel that Caps is the perfect partner I can see. I liked him the first time that we met and we got to know about each other in just a week. I realised that he is a very nice man. When I returned to The Gambia for the second time, our relationship blossomed and for the third time, we decided to…

While we join the rest in supplicating Allah to beam his tender mercies and protection on the couple-to-be, we must find space to commend Kunta Kinteh Beach Bar boss, Ebrima Solomon Tamba as well as Viki for their generosity of spirit. Solomon arranged this interview whilst the picture above was hand-delivered to us by Viki; daughter of Sussie.