President Jammeh’s dinner speech

Monday, April 14, 2008
President Koroma’s speech was preceeded by a short welcome speech from His excellency, President Alhaji Dr Yahya AJJ Jammeh. The MC had invited President Jammeh to say “a few words”, and the President, in humourous top-gear, began by wanting a definition of the phrase “a few words”! The President’s attempts to get help from the English representative at the diplomatic table proved futile as the British High Commissioner had gone AWOL!

Fourah Bay College

President Jammeh went on to thank President Koroma for all the help Sierra leone has given to The Gambia over the years, from the provision of teachers in our schools to the many “intellectual” graduates who returned over the years from Fourah Bay College. “Education is better than silver and gold, but we have to be vigilant and ensure that the colonialists do not again steal our silver and gold, while we are busy getting education”.

“5% for 35 years? You know where the airport is!”

In a direct reference to our natural resources in both Sierra Leone and The Gambia, President Jammeh demanded that we do not make deals with foreigners at the detriment of our people.

“Foreign investors in oil want to give me 5% for 30 years”, said President Jammeh. “They keep 95%. I told them they can have 10% for ten years. They said we give other countries 5% for 30 years. I said to them this is The Gambia, not other countries”. To much applause President Jammeh stated “Those who want to exploit our resources know where the airport is”.

The President ended by extending a warm welcome to President Koroma and promised to assist him in anyway he can in his new Presidency.

Author: DO