Youth congratulate Jammeh

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Your Excellency President Jammeh. The entire executive of the Youth Movement or Peace and Unity in Africa (YOMPUA) who also adoptd you as father wish to congratulate you on two folds:

First, the recent celebration of the Gambia’s forty-third Independence Anniversary. We listened with keen interest to your traditional message urging Gambians, particularly  youths, to be steadfast in nation building. That youths of this country who are the engines of development must play a proactive role in all sectors of national development.

We acknowledge Your Excellency’s effort in investing massively in the human esource development of the Gambia. The awarding of scholarships both local and overseas is a tetimony of patriotism and commitment in transforming the Gambia into a  economic and social superpower that will shining example for humanity.

While we celebrate our independence, we also urge all Gambians to be more critical and to look beyond political affiliation and concentrate on unity of efforts as basis for the transformation of our dear motherland to prosperity. When we said “Harambay!” which means to pull the canoe together, President Kenyatta means that all Kenyans must put all hands on deck to be able to transform Kenya into a modern state.

Your Excellency, it is a possibility to transform this nation into another Singapore in Africa if we all unite our efforts. We are impresed by your leadership qualities and credentials that with the necessary support, we can make this country, a heaven on earth.

Second, we wish to take this opportunity to thank you once again on your recent break-through in the cure of HIV/AIDS, asthma, hypertension, infertility and lots more.

Our hearts are overwhelmed iwth pride and enthusiasm  that Allah Almighty have given you the knowledge to cure these deadly ailments tht have long threatened to erace mankind from the surface of this earth.

The trouble with those outside Africa is that they will never acknowledge the superiority of traditional medicine over western medicine. Africa and Africans are great and Shakespeare said that “what great ones do, the less will prattle of.” You are doing a good job that we want you to keep up for it is only Allah who can reward you.

However, the conferment of an honourary decorate degree in herbal medicine by a a prestigous university in Switzerland is a tstimony of the growing recognition of your ability worldwide. We therefore hail your efforts which is progressive and development oriented. You are a leader with a vision and mission, with a good sense of alacrity and adriot political gamesmanship

Please accept Your Excellency, the assurance of our highest consideration. May the Lord Allah strengthen you, your government and the people of the Gambia

Mr. Ceesay, President and Sec. Gen


Author: DO