Gunjur to Benefit D4,000 from Sheikh Umar Futiu Foundation Ziarah

Monday, April 21, 2008

The charities of the Sheikh Umar Futiu Foundation Ziarah of Gunjur Beach recently collected D84,000, out of which Gunjur will benefit to the tune of D4,000.

According to the VDC Chairman, Famara Bojang, the said amount will go to the Village Development Fund. The Chairman said that this will help to sort out certain needs within the community of Gunjur.

Mr. Bojang, in an interview with The Point, expressed his delight and gratitude to the foundation, the Government and the philanthropists who contributed to this great act of charity. He was also delighted with the people of Gunjur for this “great achievement”. The UDC Chairman promised that the money would be put to good use. 

The other D80,000 will go to the construction of a new mosque at the foundation site.

Author: By Alieu Jabang