The youth and crime Everybody’s war

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Crime prevention is among the most gripping problems of our generation. Endemic amongst the youth segment of society (although not by any means limited to them), criminality and banditry are fuelled by vices such as alcohol consumption, smoking of cannabis and indulgence in abuse of a host of other forbidden, self-destructive stimulants.

The inexplicable surge in desire for wealth (quick-earned-wealth) among the youth folk of today is the most inducing factor behind the high level of criminal activities.

The problem manifests itself in the form of a sickening mindset. The irony is that nobody wants to sweat, but everybody is desperate to be rich. And the result is a wanton expression of an attitude akin to extreme greed and egocentricity.

The young would stop at nothing to achieve their mission, so much so that some people are more than willing to sacrifice even their own parents to achieve their individual goals. This makes the youth quite susceptible to exploitation by rogue groups. This explains the daily increase in the frequency of reports of pick-pocketing, and all other petty thuggish practices within the Greater Banjul area. Today, young people form a substantial part - as active participants - in war-turn zones.

It is the youth that concerns us because they represent the hope of the next generation. Besides, the ills of this generation of ours have the effect of destroying not only their own future but also that of the generation after theirs. So, it is our responsibility to bail them out through the right supervision, and ensure that we undo the effect of the scourge for good. It is a daunting task, but we can do it if we invest the much needed commitment into it. It is everybody’s war.

There can be no better way of doing this than with the involvement of the youth themselves. This is exactly what the international body, youth crime watch, is doing. We recognize the effort of the Gambia chapter of this formidable body, two of whose members just returned from the US, after representing the country in the 19th National Youth crime prevention conference and international forum. We urge that the relevant authorities in the country’s security apparatus tighten their belt and engage all the youth organization in curbing the menace.

The daily Observer is proud to have two of its staff represented the Gambia at such a very important confab and returned to the country. These two people are best placed for this crusade as men in the media. We do hope that the knowledge they gained form the two week conference will be exploited to the maximum.

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Author: DO