RVTH Receives Medical Equipment, Books

Monday, May 12, 2008

The Royal Victoria Teaching Hospital recently benefited from a handsome donation of medical equipment and text-books.

The largesse was extended to the country’s main referral hospital by Awa and Adama Owens from the UK.

The procurement of the items,which were officially handed over at a ceremony held at the RVTH, was facilitated through the support of the mother of the twins, Mrs Jarrai Daffeh of Tango.

Receiving the items on behalf of the management of the hospital, Mrs Josephine Correh of Tango expressed gratitude to the donors for their ‘kind gesture’, describing it as timely and humanitarian.

She underscored the importance of the gesture, stressing that it will go a long way in complementing government’s efforts in developing the country’s health sector.

“ We will only say a resounding and big thank you for your kind and timely gesture and promise that the equipment will be put to good use,” added Mrs Correh.

For her part, the mother of the twins said: “ It is with pleasure and joy that we make such a donation to the Royal Victoria Teaching Hospital.”

According to her, the donation is geared towards complementing and supplementing government’s strides in the provision of quality and affordable health-care system in the country.

Mrs Daffeh urged the beneficiaries to take proper care of the donated items and make best use of them.

Meanwhile, the donated items are expected to be distributed to various health centres in the country. The beneficiaries are Jangjangbureh and Kwinella health centres as well as the Kampama clinic.

Author: By Njie Baldeh & Yerro Mballow