We need a foreign coach!

Monday, May 12, 2008

I have been following, with intense concern, ongoing development in the Football community in this country, and I am not the least fascinated by what is coming up.  As at now, no one seems well placed to tell who is to be blamed. But there are indications that there is an extreme reluctance on the part of certain groups of people at the decision making level to meet the desired demand of football lovers in this country.

The past few yeas have seen increased stride in the sport, thanks to the level of interest shown by the government of the day. We, the football lovers, have been impressed indeed. However, it is now becoming increasingly likely that there are ongoing efforts aimed at curtailing this development by some people. Basically, I am talking here about the ardent desire of a foreign coach for the Gambian teams, especially the senior team.

If anything, the immediate past successes we have registered in sport, especially football, cannot be divorced from our brief change of policy. This included the hiring of the services of a foreign coach, among others. But it seem that there is some form of reluctance on the part of some people to continue on that productive path.

The impression some of us get is that there are plans to impose on us the old guards, who had never seized to damping the feelings of Gambians whenever we feel we are getting close to holding an ultimate victory. Biased attitude, nepotism, and all sorts of discouraging attitude, have been the order of the day under past coaching teams comprising indigenous Gambians, which had indeed ensured that we never got close to where we wanted.

I am appealing, on behalf of football lovers who share my view that the department responsible for sport come to our aid and sign us the pending deal regarding the Italian coach. Securing a foreign coach is the only solution for us. After all that is the order of the day even at the international level.

Abdourahman Touray


Editor’s note:

Mr. Touray, whereas I don’t know much about football and can’t debate with you from a position of knowledge, I would like to ask why indegeneous Gambian coaches can’t do a professional job? Why can’t we get rid of bias, nepotism and incompetence and think of what is good for the country?

Author: DO