The dangers of drug abuse among youths

Friday, May 2, 2008

The issue of drug abuse among youths has become so worrying that if nothing urgent is done about it our future as a nation may be shattered, because the youths of today are the leaders  of tomorrow.

The manifestation of the dangers of drug abuse among us, the youth, is not for fetched, as it can clearly be seen in the alarming rates of crime perpetrated by young people.  Quite often, we the youth prove to be gentle but when we use such drugs as Cannabis, Cocaine or Indian hemp, to mention but a few, we  are transformed into brutal beasts, with the inability to control ourselves, which makes us stop at anything to get what we want.

As we all know, charity begins at home, what ever a child learns from home is most likely to stick in his/her mind.  If a child sees his/her parents or any members of his/her family smoke, drink or take hard drugs, the child will most likely follow suite.  This has the effect of posing great problems.  The child’s school mates and authorities may become the victims because of the influence of drugs on them.

There are many cases where  children receive good home training, as well as sensitization  on the evils of drug abuse, but on moving out of the home, the influence of their peers cause them to indulge in drug abuse.  The foundation that was built at home was destroyed.

Therefore, I am making a clerion call on my fellow youth to desist from drug abuse and there by save themselves and the society.

by Lamin Marong

GTU Vice President’s office

Tel: 7308664 / 4201278

Author: DO