Bajen Camara: First Female Off-set Printer

Friday, June 20, 2008

As the world is moving forward there is nothing like job describtion for any sex, as far as commitment and hardwork are concerned. This is a contribution towards closing of the gender gap, because men will see that women are not their partners in only marriage and building up families but also partners to development, as no development can take place without the true support of both sexes. Women are everyday coming up with new ideas of development in all working sectors, from top positions to the grass root level like being presidents, vice presidents, permanent secretaries, ambassadors, doctors ministers, traders, fish mongers, stone diggers, drivers, photographers, soldiers, maids, just to name a few.

In The Gambia women are holding key positions in which they are really playing a pivotal role, and now that we have a young, dynamic, and committed lady who has the ambition to work as a printer; that will  tell a lot about the efforts of Gambian women which I guess is something to be proud of.

Bajen Camara a reporter with the Point newspaper is the first female printer who is really doing well in the job. Her ambitiousness towards this work is a clear manifestation that women are capable and are ready to do any manual or technical job as long as the commitment is there. Ms camara has shown a brighter example, so I think it’s high time for women’s efforts to be realised. To know more about this talented young girl, read below.

She She:Can you tell us about yourself?

Bajen:I am 23 years of age, a jola by tribe, I attended Bansang Lower Basic School from 1991 to 1996, then to the Upper Basic from 1996 to 1999. From there I proceeded to Armitage Senior Secondary where I completed my high school education in 2002.

She she: when did you joined the point newspaper?

Bajen: I started working with point as a reporter around 2006 and joined the printing department for training in early 2007.

She She: Why did you choose to be a newspaper machinist /printer?

Bajen: I just like it because I noticed there is no woman printer anywhere in this country due to the fact that many have the belief that it is a man’s job while forgetting that everything depends on commitment, because in this world anyone who is committed in his or her job will surely achieve his/her goals.

She she: Do you encounter any constraints?

Bajen: Anyway it’s not an easy thing, because I do have sleepless nights as we work the whole night for the following day’s paper, and also the machines are very powerful, sometimes also we encounter problems like machine failure, which gives us a tough time, because if that happens we always struggle with one machine which is a real delay.

She she: How do you cope with reporting and the same time doing printing?

Bajen: It’s not an easy task really, because when I close from printing in the morning I do sleep for 2hrs  if I have to go for a coverage, and after the coverage I have to go to the office to write and submit the story then get changed into my printing uniform and continue with printing till the next morning.

She she : How do you think these two jobs can help you?

Bajen : It will really help me a lot, both financially and technically .

She she : Are you married?

Bajen: Not yet.

She she: Don’t you think it can affect you when you are married, like being some one’s wife, mother at the same time handling two different jobs?

Bajen: It may and it may not, because if I happen to have a husband who understands the nature of my jobs and will be willing to help me, things will be easy for me because am committed to these jobs even  married, and I will discuss with my boss if he allows me, then I will be working from 7pm to 11pm.

 She she: What advice will you send to your fellow young ladies who are out there looking for special jobs?

Bajen:I would like to tell them that let them just look for a good job that is beneficial and not necessarily special ones, because anywhere you work with commitment you must have experience and in that one can achieve his or her goals just as I said earlier. The world is moving to advanced stages every day, so it’s high time women involve themselves in any kind of good job from which they will gain something to earn a good living, and let them stop saying I wont do this job or that one, because it’s a man’s job. No, come up and show the talent in you if at all you have the strength please come over and show the whole world that what a man can do, a woman can do better.

Author: By Sarata J-Dibba