UN doesn’t know where African wars are made? Give us a break Mr. Moon!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008
When certain decisions are taken at the UN, often we comfort ourselves with unfortunate submissive conclusions that conspicuously set wisdom against cowardice. We engage in foolish and myopic diplomatease.

The civilized world is sometimes bemused by the absurdity of the judgment of the rest of the membership of the UN, given the foolishness they allow themselves to get embroiled in. Imagine, for instance, spending UN money in the pretext of finding out the causes of wars in Africa. This is idiocy in its most incongruous form imaginable! Aren’t there better things to be done by the Security Council? Come on Mr Moon. For God’s sake you do not need to come to Africa to establish the causes of unrest on the continent. African wars are proxy wars. Simple! Look for the cause where those wars are cooked up - in Washingtom, London, Paris and Brussels.

It does not take much knowledge to discern that the powers that be at the UN are responsible for the persistent unrest in Africa. It has to be so, unfortunately, because the guns, and the bombs, and the military jets, and the military trucks, etc., that hey produce an their war-economies depend on have to be sold. And it is only by ensuring a spree of continuous killing that these commodities which are available only in the West are in serious economic demand. Besides, there is the issue of the blood diamonds and other valuable minerals the continent is endowed with (Not to mention “strategic military locations” such as Somalia and Djibouti).

Therefore this mockery of a statement, that the UN wants to find out about the causes of wars in Africa, sounds insulting to the people of the continent. So we feel obliged to remind readers about the treacherous nature of this club of self anointed bunch of Mafioso that hide behind and pull strings at the United Nations. Certainly you do not need to come to Africa to know who are behind the endless proxy wars on the continent.
First of all, we do not make guns on this continent. The US, the UK, France, and Belgium are in fact the ultimate perpetrators of all the wars we are talking about, either through governments or through malicious agents (call them “democracy campaigners” if you will) of these malevolently egotistic, bullish countries.

The Belgians would sacrifice the lives of innocent Sierra Leoneans for blood diamonds. And they must ensure a continuous flow of money from African banks to the notorious Swiss Bank, that thieving institution of a thing. In doing so, they give us the guns. While we busy ourselves in killing our own people, the agents of our exploiters are busy embezzling and plundering our resources.

The deluded Americans, under the influence of extreme paranoia, thanks to the acts of another failed robot of THEIRS, Osama Bin Ladin and his Al-qaeda machinery, will always ensure that anything synonymous to Islam is forbidden. So, with their blessing, Ethiopian soldiers are wrecking havoc on Somalis just because the hawkish White House cowboys managed to  convince Americans that their nation is unsafe as long as the so-called Islamists are in control in that failed state.

The fact is that you just need to pull the plug in Washington DC and the fighting goes dead. It is as simple as that. There is no need in wasting money in the name of finding out about something that we all know.

Author: DO