Marsden Nursery School Principal Visits Marlborough College in UK

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Mr. Lamin Jammeh, the Principal of Marsden Nursery School in Tallinding, recently visited Marlborough College in the United Kingdom. The trip was aimed at strengthening the bilateral relationship and long time relationship of the two sister schools.

In an interview with The Point, Mr. Jammeh revealed that his invitation was made possible through an invitation extended to him by his friends at Marlborough. According to him, his visit to the UK was fruitful and educational. He described those who hosted him in the UK as, “good, generous friends.” He said while in the UK he had the opportunity to visit Marlborough College. When asked where apart from the college he visited he said that he had also visited the local park and forest which is a conservation area. He said he found this excursion to be most interesting. He also visited the local Westrop Primary School which he said was of particular interest because of the teaching methods employed there.

Mr. Jammeh stated that his school is also linked with Highworth Nursery School in the UK. In relation to this link Mr. Jammeh met with Mr. R Davis the Lions Club President and also the committee of the Highworth Lions Club to discuss the possibility of making the link a life-long one.

In conclusion Mr. Jammeh described the get-together held in his honour by friends at the 4th Highworth Rainbow. At the event displays were put on to show appreciation for his visit. He commended all the people he met in the UK for their generosity of spirit and the warm welcome they extended to him.

Author: By Njie Baldeh & Yerro Mballow
Source: Picture: Mr Jammeh at UK presentation