GAMTEL and the Internet service

Monday, July 14, 2008

Is it only me, or do other people get aggravated when they try to log on to the internet each morning only to discover that once again the Gamtel network is down or not functioning?

At first I began to think it was only wireless connection users suffering the problem, but now I have realized that the entire network is failing all its users.

With the internet being such an essential method of communication these days and a way for economic growth for many companies, people must be losing money daily because they cannot get ‘on line’ to do their normal business.

Are we all expected to start using the old fashion (snail) mail again to do business? There is no one alive that can forget the inefficiency of that system.

I never see a day go by without Internet users getting frustrated. All they do is to give up and leave. In spite of this, they still have to pay the price for a non-working system.

Now, radio ‘kang kang’ has it that there is going to be a big price hike for Gamtel users plus higher costs for the Internet. If this is true, we are bracing for a bad out look. What we are paying for right now is extremely poor service, and to raise prices at this time while we are receiving such poor service, will suggest a serious oversight.

The Internet is not just about friends writing e-mails to other friends; it is about businesses being done efficiently and quickly. Your Excellency, you are the only one who can make correction to this situation, everyone else seems to think it will just pass.

Most workers are getting complacent about this and, in turn, this is felt in business all around The Gambia. Even Gamtel has had to resort back to issuing hand written receipts.

A concerned citizen

Author: DO