GSM companies endorse Mottor Traffic Bill amendment

Monday, July 14, 2008
The three GSM communication companies in the country, have saluted the National Assembly Members for unanimously amending the Motor Traffic Amendment Bill, describing it as a ‘wise decision of the parliament’.

The Motor Traffic Amendment Bill, which seeks to encourage the usage of free hand set mobile communication while driving, was recently passed by the National Assembly Members during the second meeting in the 2008 legislative year.

According to Rein Zwolsman, chief executive officer of Gamtel/Gamcel, the move is a step in the right direction considering the unprecedented car accidents of which, most are attributed to mobile communication when driving. Accordng to him, in most parts of the world, it is either not allow or have registeration to use it. “We all know that driving a car is something one needs to be very focus. In most cases, one will see drivers talking and driving with one hand. This often results to accidents, since certain conversations may lead one to totally loose focus. Investigations have even shown that, making phone calls while driving are increasing the risk of accidents” he said.

For his part, Papa Leigh, Sales and Marketin manager of Africell, said the usage of mobile phones while driving is perhaps the negative impact of GSM since it can claim a live when an accident occur. “I have seen a lot of drivers when driving, read sms, dial calls, and can completely loose focus. Some fatal accidents are definately course as a result of mobile communication” he said.

He welcomed the amendment of the bill, adding that it will greatly address the problem and let the drivers stick to the new laws.

Samer Mehaidly, commercial director of Comium also expressed his fullest support to the bill, saying that using mobile hand set while driving can course accidents.

“One shouldn’t be talking and driving using hand set. The bill has gave alternative of using free hand set which are available in most shops. People can  used free hand set instead of a hand set when driving,’’ he said.

Mehaidly noted that they as players in the GSM industry, equally care about people’s live since their success solely rely on them.

Author: by Hatab Fadera