Youth Parliament Speaker Receives Award in US

Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Speaker of the National Youth Parliament, the Honorable Lamin F.Bojang, has been awarded the Peace and Love Award by Energy Boys and Girls of the World Federation for Peace and Love based in Taiwan.

He received the said award last Thursday 14th August at the end of the 5th Session of the United Nations Annual Youth Assembly, at the United Nations in New York. Speaker Bojang who was awarded the Peace and Love Medal alongside over a dozen young people from around the world who were commended for their contribution to the development of young people in their respective countries.

 Presenting the medal to the Awardees, Ying – Chen, a member of the Energy Boys and Girls, remarked that her parent organisation is operating worldwide and working to promote world peace and love.

 She noted that her organisation is indeed very grateful to award a medal to outstanding youth personalities whose contribution to world peace through their respective organisations complements world peace and love.

 In receiving the award, Hon. Bojang thanked the Energy Boys and Girls for the encouragement. He called on them to collaborate with young people of The Gambia, as the relationship between the Taiwan and The Gambia is excellent. This he said can be supported through creation of partnership between like-minded organisations in two countries.

Young people, he added, have a major stake in the development of their societies and the world as a whole. He therefore stated that the inculcation of responsible behavior and attitude goes a long way in the promotion and protection of world peace.

Author: By Nfamara Jawneh