GPPS Honour General Lang Tombong Tamba

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Gambia Professional Photographers Society (GPPS) last Thursday paid a courtesy call to the chief of Defense Staff Major General Lang Tombong Tamba at his office in Banjul.

During the meeting members of the society also adopted CDS Major General Lang Tombong as a honourary member of the society.

Speaking at the occasion, Dawda Bayo, secretary of the society, stated that the visit was meant to brief CDS Tamba about some of their achievements, constraints, the change in leadership that happened recently and their contribution towards the socio-economic development of the country.

Mr. Bayo said the society was established in 1988 and is legally registered with the AG chambers.

Commenting on the achievements registered, Mr. Bayo said that during the operation Canada fundraising his society has contributed D10,000 towards the initiative and last year when two of their members passed away they have supported the families among others.

On the constraints, he complained to the CDS that sometime their members find it extremely difficult to get enough press cards to cover International matches adding that some times the press cards are handled by people who are not members.

He appealed to the GFA to channel the press cards issues to the society.

For his part Lamin Jallow said now photographers are more united than ever before.

He commended President Jammeh for including photographers in the Peru, Congo and Canada packages.

Mr. Jallow used the occasion to thank Major General Lang Tombong Tamba for the support he has given photographers in the country.

Hon Borry Colley, also a member of the society, through CDS appealed to government to build a photo –Lab for the society

For his part, Major General Lang Tombong Tamba described photography as a noble profession adding that it is not a job for the dropout as many people may perceive it

He pointed out that photographers are contributing their quota towards the socio-economic development of the nation

General Tamba called on them to cover local matches and assured them that he will talk to the GFA president about the issue of the press cards.

He also promised them that he will mediate to bring Baboucarr Trawally, alias BT, to come back to the society.

At the end of the meeting he also made a handsome donation to the society as his contribution.

The photographers also presented photos of the various national teams to General Tamba and also Major Lamin Gano was also presented with a membership card

Author: By Pa Modou Faal