Carniegie Minerals Boss Wanted

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

As Some Security Officers Sacked

The government of The Gambia yesterday issued a press release declaring Mr. Charles Northfield, General Manager of Carnegie Minerals Company in The Gambia, ‘wanted’.

Charles Northfield, a British National who was standing trial at the High Court in Banjul for various crimes including economic crime, is reported to have jumped court bail and escaped to the United Kingdom.

According to the news release from the Department of State for Interior, Charles was an engineer working for Carnegie Minerals Company in The Gambia.

“He was arrested in February 2008 and charged for various crimes including economic crime. He was therefore standing trial at the High Court in Banjul.

Charles was granted court bail. He jumped the bail and escaped to the United Kingdom. Charles Northfield from Plymouth, Devon in the United Kingdom is hereby declared wanted,” the release stated.

The release went on to solicit from the general public in the form of any information leading to the escape and possible re-arrest of Mr. Charles Northfield.

Meanwhile, following our publication last Monday regarding the recall of security officers posted between Barra and Amdalaye, impeccable sources have informed The Point that some of those officers have been sent home packing.

This came in the wake of the reported escape of the erstwhile General Manager of Carnegie Mineral Company, who is said to be currently in the UK.

Recent reports quoted from the Daily Mail have it that Mr. Charles Northfield arrived in the UK on the 2nd of September 2008. The paper stated that Mr. Northfield was smuggled out of the country ahead of his trial by security expert Martin MacGowan-Scanlon through Senegal.
Source: Picture: Charlie Northfield (Wanted Carniegie Minerals Boss)