Another NIA Operative Charged

Monday, September 29, 2008
One Bakary Kassama of the National Intelligence Agency (NIA), was on Friday arraigned before Magistrate Edrissa Mbai of the Banjul Magistrates’ Court on a charge ofabuse of office.

According to the particulars of the offence, some time in May 2008 at the NIA office in the city of Banjul, the accused abused his office by receiving the sum of D51, 000 from one Bubacarr Jallow for safe keeping knowing that the said amount was stolen. He denied the charge.

He was granted court bail in the sum of D100, 000 with one Gambian surety who must be in the rank of a police commissioner.

The case was adjourned until 13thOctober 2008.

In another development two NIA officers Demba Sowe and Bubacarr Jollow who are standing trial for the offence of abuse of office are also expected to make their second appearance today before Magistrate Edrisa Mbai of the Banjul Magistrates’ Court.

According to the alleged offence, the two accused persons Demba Sowe and Abubacarr Jallow being public officers employed of the NIA between Ferbruary and March 2008 in Banjul, Kololi and diverse places abused their authority, by failing to disclose vital information and recover exhibits in the case of the State against Christopher Badjie to the relevant authorities, an arbitrary act prejudicial to the State and thereby committed an offence.

They both denied the charge.

Author: Modou Sanyang