Darboe Agrees with President Jammeh Over Zero Tolerance on Rape, Others

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The recent zero tolerance on rape, drug trafficking and armed robbery declared by President Jammeh is indeed a sound idea in the mind of Lawyer Ousainou Darboe, leader of the main opposition United Democratic Party, who has also totally condemned such acts.

Speaking in an exclusive interview with our reporter last evening, the UDP leader said crime of whatever nature should not be condoned in any society.

For Lawyer Darboe, criminal activities like rape, armed robbery and drug trafficking always serve as a threat to national security and thus have no room in society.

“I am totally in support of President Jammeh to say that there is zero tolerance for armed robbery, drug trafficking and rape,” Darboe asserted.

Expressing his total condemnation of what he described as inhuman and wicked acts, Darboe noted that time has come for him not to defend anybody involved in armed robbery, rape and drug trafficking cases in any law courts.

According to Darboe, the crime rate is on the increase in the country and any move to put a stop to it should be given all the needed support. He said it was incumbent on all to put all hands on deck in stopping such acts in the country.

In the view of the UDP leader, the recent high growth rate of the country’s population and the free movement of people on our borders are contributing factors to the high crime rates in the country.

Darboe went on to call on all educationists, sociologists and even religious leaders to embark on a massive sensitisation exercise so as to sensitise the public about the dangers of such acts.

It would be recalled that President Jammeh was last Friday quoted expressing his government’s total condemnation of rape, drug trafficking and armed robbery of any form in this country, saying such acts will not be accepted in this country.

Author: By Alieu Jabang
Source: Picture: Lawyer Ousainou Darboe