Abdulhamid Adiamoh – Editor –in- Chief Today Newspaper

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Basically the late Deyda Hydara is an icon as far as journalism is concerned not only in The Gambia but in Africa and the whole world in general. He has sacrificed his life for the development of journalism. He is someone who had a genuine concern for the development of journalism.

It is rather unfortunate that somebody like Deyda Hydara had to leave us the way he did. It is really sad but the most important thing is not how one dies, but the legacy he or she left behind. Some of Deyda Hydara’s results will forever remain clear for everyone to see.

On the fourth anniversary of his death, I believe it is an opportunity for journalists to take stock and understand that what matters is the factual information we are sending to the public. He is gone but will never be forgotten.