Another Woman Arraigned For Alleged Child Maltreatment

Monday, October 19, 2009

A woman was last Friday 16th October 2009 arraigned at a Magistrate Court on a charge of child maltreatment.

Binta Sanneh was arraigned before Principal Magistrate Joseph Ikpala of the Kanifing Magistrates’ Court for allegedly assaulting her 11-year-old daughter.

According to the charge sheet, on 2nd October 2009, at Latrikunda German in the Kanifing Municipality, the accused unlawfully inserted a hot spoon into the private part of her daughter (name withheld), and thereby caused her injury.

Binta Sanneh pleaded not guilty to the charge.

The Prosecuting Officer, ASP Bojang, applied for a short adjournment to enable him bring his witnesses, objecting to the accused’s bail on the grounds that they were yet to determine the state of the injury caused.

He referred the court to Section 214, which deals with injuries often related to permanent disability. In view of this, he said, he was objecting to the bail.

But he cited Section 99 of the Criminal Procedure Code, noting that it was left to the discretion of the court.

However, his objection for bail was overruled by the Magistrate, and the accused was granted a court bail in the sum of D250, 000.

Magistrate Ikpala told the court that the offence with which the accused was charged is bailable.

The case was adjourned to 21st October 2009 for hearing.

Author: Dawda Faye