Former KGI GM Testifies In Modou Manga’s Case

Monday, October 12, 2009

Mr. Henney Jamil Mousa, former General Manager of Kanilai Group International (KGI) last Thursday 8th October 2009, testified before Principal Magistrate Ikpala of the Kanifing Magistrates’ Court against Modou Manga, who is charged with stealing 1952 bags of rice of 30kg, being property of KGI, a charge he denied.

In his testimony, the witness told the court that he knew the accused and was the General Manager of KGI from April, 2007 to April 2009. He stated that KGI was handling food aid, rice and flooding shop and that he knew the first prosecution witness, one Muhammed Mubarak.

He adduced that, according to the memo received from the CEO, Muhammed Mubarak was the Accountant of KGI at the time of the occurrence. He went on to say that, the accused was during most of the period the storekeeper handling their rice at Kanifing, and that the accused handled all the rice in store. He stated that the rice was supplied by the Agricultural Department who would issue an invoice for the quantity of rice and the office would receive delivery note, signed by the storekeeper. He revealed that a security officer would escort the rice together with an officer of the Agricultural Department. He indicated that they would provide one copy for the accused while the Delivery Officer would get a copy.

He further testified that, the accused was in charge of the store and there was a delivery system that was put in place for the sale of rice. He said this was in triplicate. He added that the cashier placed the store in the trust of the accused who would give the original to the buyer, while give the duplicate to the storekeeper and on the basis of the duplicate the store-keeper would supply.

He adduced that at the end of the working day, the cashier would bring the sales book with the third copy attached and the information would be recorded in the management information and that the cashier would bank the sales. He narrated that if the money was a huge sum, they would call the bank to send their cashier to receive the money.

He further said that the cashier at the end of the day when the bank was closed, they would keep the money until the following day when the bank opens again.

He stated that it was the first witness of the prosecution, Mr. Mubarak, who used to handle all the cash, and that the accused only handles bags of rice, but not cash.

He adduced that in April, 2008, the first witness called him to go to the store. He said he then rushed and found the first witness with the accused and one Alieu Bojang. He indicated that he asked the first witness about Alieu Bojang, and told him that Alieu Bojang was a witness.

He added that, the first witness told him that the accused had a shortage and that he wanted to do physical inventory. He further adduced that the first witness, the accused and himself counted the bags of rice in the store. He testified that there were 308 bags that were counted by the first witness, the accused and himself.

He further indicated that the first witness told the accused to pack up all his books and papers and follow them (him and Alieu Bojang) to the KGI office. He said the accused, Alieu Bojang and the first witness went into the office of the first witness and then returned to his office. He adduced that later the first witness came to his office, accompanied by the accused and Alieu Bojang, who told him that the accused had a shortage in the store and further asked him what he could do in the circumstances.

He said he told the first witness to clarify the level of shortage and get an exact figure.

He further testified that the first witness again came into his office and told him that the accused had a shortage of 1952 bags of rice of 30kg. He said he told the first witness to follow the necessary legal steps. He stated that the first witness agreed and left for his office only to come back later with the accused and Alieu Bojang, and told him that the accused had accepted that he had some shortage.

He informed the court that he was told by the first witness that the accused had begged him for a period of three weeks to go over all the copies of delivery books or notes.

He added that the first witness told him that he agreed but told the accused that he could check the books in the office, but not out of the KGI premises.

He further stated that the first witness gave him a document to be photocopied, which was signed by the accused.

The said document was tendered as an exhibit without any objection.

He adduced that a few days later, he received a telephone call to go and report to the NIA as a witness but he asked why he was called to be a witness.

He said the caller told him that the first witness had handed over to the NIA a report involving the accused at KGI.

In conclusion, he told the court that he went to the NIA and was asked to make a statement.

The case was adjourned to 20th October 2009.

Author: Dawda Faye