Gambia Trade and Investment Seminar Held in Taiwan

Monday, April 20, 2009

The Gambia trade and investment opportunity seminar was recently held at in Taiwanese capital Taipei.

The forum was aim at promoting economic, trade and investment relations between the private sectors of the two countries.

Speaking on the occasion, Mawdo Juwara the Gambian ambassador in Taiwan said that even though the two countries enjoy excellent ties in many fields, the business and trade ties still looks inactive.

He revealed that if the private sectors of the two countries work closely a lot can be achieved.

The Minister of trade, Industry and Employment Honorable Abdou Colley made a presentation on the Gambia’s trade flows.

The main sources of the Gambia’s import occupied a centre stage in Minister Colley’s presentation.

Mr. Kebba Njie of Gambia Investment Promotion and Free Zone Agency GIPFZA urged the Taiwanese investors to also make the best use of the Gambia’s favorable business climate and cordial ties.

According to our sources, the Gambian delegation also visited Radio Taiwan International. There the role of media in promoting trade and investment was highlighted. There the Minister Colley acknowledges the vital role media plays in the promotion of trade and investment.

For his part, Alhagie Momodou Sanyang Director General of Gambia Radio and Television Services gave a back ground of the national radio.

GRTS boss used the opportunity to seek for exchange programmes and capacity building.

Director Sanyang calls for closer collaboration in the transfer and exchange of technologies adding that the national radio coverage is received beyond the Gambian boundaries. 

There the delegation was assured of support.

The visit also accorded the Gambian Trade Minister an opportunity to have an audience with his Taiwanese counterpart.

Author: Nfamara Jawneh