GU-Gambia initiate ‘Children Volunteers Recruitment Programme’

Tuesday, February 10, 2009
For any society to register sustainable progress; for any national economy to enjoy substantial and formidable economic and intellectual prosperity necessary for growth and development, the young people of that society must play a high-key role in that society’s development agenda.

The young people in essence are the cream of the society; the core of the production base of any economy and the true and rightful heirs to society’s governing mechanism for life’s political  circle. It is in recognition of this reality, that Global Unification The Gambia, a vibrant legally accredited association that has devoted all its time, energy and resources to the service of humanity, youth development in particular, to once again take to the stage.

In its relentless efforts to ensuring a productive human resource base and the empowerment of  the youth and children of the country, Global Unification The Gambia initiated a youth development programme aimed at empowering the young people of the country. The programme particularly targets students. Students from high schools from all corners of the country are encouraged to be part of it.

Author: DO