Major boost for security forces

Thursday, December 18, 2008
Dr Aja Isatou Njie-Saidy, the vice president and secretary of state for Women’s Affairs, on behalf of President Jammeh, last Tuesday, handed over 100 motorcycles to various security agencies, at a ceremony held at the maintenance service Agency in Kotu.

The beneficiaries included The Gambia Police Force (GPF) The Gambia National Army (GNA), The Gambia Immigration Department (GID), the Guards Battalion, the Prison Police, The Gambia Navy, the National Drug Enforcement Agency (NDEA) and the National Intelligence Agency (NIA).

Handing over the gifts, VP Njie-Saidy observed that such a gesture was not the first of its kind from the Gambian leader, who she said is also the Commander-in-Chief of The Gambia Armed Forces. He commended the various security units for their loyalty to the government and the people of The Gambia.

According to her, the distribution of 100 motorcycles to the security apparatus in the country is a move aimed at easing their constraints of mobility in their daily routine. VP Njie Saidy then hailed Professor Jammeh’s foresight, saying that all is geared towards bringing security to the door steps of every Gambian.  She then noted the importance of security in any nation praising the security apparatus for raising the Gambia’s flag high both in the country and outside its borders.

VP Njie-saidy thanked the government and people of Taiwan for the assistant and then urged the beneficiaries to handle the motorcycles with all necessary care inorder to ensure its durability.

She also urged them to engage in regular maintenance in order to avoid sudden breakdown. For his part, Lamin Bojang, the secretary of state for Works, Construction and Infrastructure, expressed his department’s profound gratitude to the Gambian leader for such a gesture. He thanked the Gambian leader for providing the security to the door steps of every Gambian.

For his part, Major General Lang Tombong Tamba, the chief of defence staff of the Gambia Armed Forces, thanked his commander-in-Chief, Professor Jammeh, for this laudable support to the security agencies in the country. Abdoulie Camara, deputy permanent secretary at the department of state for Works, Construction and Infrastructure, chaired the ceremony.

Author: by Salifu M Touray