NAPSA Hold 8th General Congress

Friday, March 13, 2009

The National Patriotic Student’s Association (NAPSA) on Wednesday 11th March 2009 held its 8th Annual General Congress to elect the new executive committee that will steer the affairs of the Association in the coming years.

The colourful ceremony, which was well attended by cross-section of students delegate across the Gambia, was held at friendship Hotel in Bakau.

Speaking at the congress, the outgoing chairperson Modou Alieu Jallow revealed that the congress is another important milestone by seeing legal transfer of power from one executive to another. He added that NAPSA has been doing well inculcating the idea of patriotism in students.

Mr. Jallow further called people to come together irrespective of their political affiliations and work towards National development.

He said the Government of the Gambia is committed in bring quality education to the door step of Gambians, adding that the Gambia is among the fastest developing country in Africa.

He asserted that the lack of discipline in schools have caused mass failure to most students, stressing that if teachers are not respected, quality will not be attain.

Mr. Jallow thanked President Jammeh for sponsoring 12 students to pursue their further education in VenezuelanRepublic and donating a bus among others.

For his part, Pap Sey of the Basic and Secondary Education Department dilated on the importance of Education, adding that students are the principal agents of national development.

DPS Sey however noted that national development require human resources. He commended NAPSA for organizing the congress and assured his Department continuous support.

Speaking earlier, Hon. Seedy S.K. Njie acting National Coordinator also spoke at length about the discipline and seriousness among student inorder to become role models.

Hon Njie implored student to always maintain peace and avoid engaging in problems in schools. Other speakers include Jestina Harding, Secretary General NAPSA, Abodoulie Sallah Secretary to the cabinet as well as other dignitaries.

Author: Sainey M.K. Marenah