New AGIB MD, others meet VP

Tuesday, February 10, 2009
The vice president and secretary of state for Women’s Affairs, Aja Dr Isatou Njie-Saidy, in a flurry of engagements, yesterday received in audience officials representing five important institutions in the country, at her office at State House in Banjul.

The delegations comprised the Arab Gambian Islamic Bank (AGIB); Capital Express Assurance Ltd; University of The Gambia Students’ Union executives; Senegambia Friendship Association; and Youth Ambassadors of Peace. First to meet with the Gambian vice president was the top brass of AGIB, headed by Zakari Abubakr, the new managing director of the bank. Also part of that delegation was Mamour Jagne, the bank’s former managing director.

Speaking to reporters shortly after having audience with Vice President Njie-Siady, Zakari Abubakr said his mission to State House was meant to express appreciation for the welcome they received in The Gambia, “from President Jammeh and the Gambian people.” He revealed that he and his team used the opportunity to donate a cheque of D50,000 to the Jammeh Foundation for Peace (JFP), as part of efforts to complement President Jammeh’s efforts in national development.  He commended the Gambian leader for his tireless effort in improving the livelihood of Gambians and for his numerous achievements.

The next group to call on VP Njie- Saidy was the management of Capital Express, headed by Babukarr A Dandeh-Njie, managing director and chief executive officer (CEO) of the company, who said that their mission to the vice president’s office was to introduce their company to her.

He described his company as a life insurance company, established in August 2008, and, according to him, Capital Express Assurance Company is the only licenced Life Insurance Company in The Gambia, and that it offers a lot of services to the public, including “educational, good life and medical services.” Ansumana Darboe, president of the University of The Gambia (UTG) Students’ Union, was accompanied to State House by members of his executive council. He told journalists that their discussion with VP Njie-Saidy was to introduce members of the new Student body to her.

According to Darboe, they also used the opportunity to explain to the vice president some of the constraints they are faced with at the university, prominent among which are scholarship for needy students, the need for a university campus and a standard library. The UTGSU prezy was however upbeat about the response of the vice president to their expressed concerns, describing it as “positive.” He said she assured them that government is working hard towards containing these constraints.

The UTG Students’ Union executive were accompanied to State House by Dr Saidou Jallow, permanent secretary at the department of state for Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology; Dr Omar Jah Junior, acting deputy vice chancellor of the UTG; and Lamin S Jaiteh, university registrar, UTG.

following the UTGSU were members of the Senegambia Friendship Association.  Fatima Sosseh-Jallow, president of the association, told reporters that the purpose of their visit was to introduce the association and its activities to the vice president. She revealed that their mission also aimed at strengthening the existing relationship between The Gambia and Senegal.  

The last group to meet the vice president was the Youth Ambassadors of Peace (YAP). Fabakary Kalleh, executive secretary of YAP, told journalists that their mission to State House was to officially introduce YAP and its activities to the authorities. According to Kalleh, his executive also used the opportunity to officially welcome the vice president to serve as their chief guest of honour at the organisation’s third graduation ceremony, scheduled for February 21st, at the Joint Officers Mess in Kotu.

Author: by Assan Sallah