Peer Health Conducts A Two-Day Training on Health

Friday, December 19, 2008
The Gambia College Peer Health Club, in collaboration with the Nova-Scotia Gambia Association and other invited students from different schools in the college especially school of public health and education, recently conducted a health training workshop on related diseases including on malaria.

The training commenced with the introduction on malaria, its causes, preventive methods and cures. According to Nuru Sey, one of the presenters, the name malaria originated from Europe and is caused by plasmodium parasite. He added that the commonest plasmodium in The Gambia is falaparum. He said the parasite that the mosquito injects into our systems is found in the human body and the mosquito carries that parasite from the injected person when sucking blood and injects it into an uninfected person.

Mr. Sey highlighted the two different kinds of malaria, which are complicated and uncomplicated. The symptoms for complicated malaria are unconsciousness, anemia yellowing of the eyes. According to him, the symptoms of uncomplicated malaria include a rise in temperature, vomiting and loss of appetite. The first line treatment in The Gambia is coartem in place of chloroquinine, the second one he said is quinine. According to him, the use of chloroquinine has stopped because the parasite is resistant to the drug. The treatment failure can also be as a result of in complete usage of drugs. Other speakers included Mr. Muhammeh Saho, regional health team officer in Kanifing.

Author: Njie Baldeh & Yerro Mballow