Sinchu Alhaji annual Gamo observed

Monday, April 20, 2009
Thousands of people gathered at the park in Sinchu Alhaji, home of Teranger FM, to listen to great Islamic chantings, Islamic recitals and sermons last Saturday at the annual Gamo of the town.

The Gamo was organised by Alaghie Babou Touray of Sinchu Alhaji, a modest and peace loving gentleman, a pro-positive leader; and  a great elder in the ranks of the respectable elderly in Sinchu Alhaji.

In attendance were grand marabouts from Senegambia, prominent of whom were the son of the Late Ebrima Ebrahima Niasse, Sheikh of (Al) Islam, in the distinguishable personality of Serigne Muhammed Mansour Niasse and the grand marabout of Kafferine, Sheikh Abdoulie Whelan who was the main man of the night with his finger tip mastery of the Holy Quran.

The Gamo witnessed great preachers and preaching throughout the night by great Islamic scholars and personalities. The night was a well anticipated one and there was so much hype about it which indeed truly suffices all its pre-promotion billing once proceedings started to unfold.

This Gamo goes a long way in cementing and consolidating Senegambia relations and fortifying the notion that the two countries are twins in history. A respectable crowd and students from Nema Alkali Arabic School in the leadership of Mot Secka took over the night with great acts and Islamic drama plays much to the delight of the crowd who came far and wide. The night came to a close at around 10am Sunday morning.
Author: by Momodou Camara