Teacher Sent to Mile II

Monday, April 20, 2009

One Babucarr Jadama, an Upper Basic Schoolteacher posted at Kunkujang Upper Basic School in Kunkujang has been convicted and sentenced to 3-years imprisonment without a court fine. 

He was also ordered to compensate complainant in the sum of D10, 000, in default to serve another one- year imprisonment with hard labour.

According to the charge sheet as read in court by the prosecutor, Mr. Jadama on or about the 12th October, 2008, at Tallinding, assaulted one Maimuna conteh a Sierra Leonean national by stabbing her on her face and back with a broken bottle and thereby causing her actual bodily harm. He denied the charge.

But after a length trial he was found guilty of the offence charged.

Before handing down the verdict on the convict, the acting Principal Magistrate Kumba Sillah-Camara warned the convict to desist from such act, noting that as a teacher he should serve as a role model. 

Magistrate Sillah-Camara further added that the convict should have been a good example to the students rather than resorting to suck crimes. She said she would not hesitate to sentence any one who commits such crime.  In his mitigation, the convict pleaded with the court to temper justice with mercy.

He expressed with sympathy that he is the breadwinner of his family and that he takes the Grade 9 students for studies that are about to take exam.

Author: Yerro Mballow& Malamin conteh