Top class: GTU & SUDES celebrate 2nd Sene-Gambia Brotherhood Day

Tuesday, February 10, 2009
The Gambia Teachers Union (GTU) and the Syndicat Unique et  Democratique des Enseignants du Senegal (SUDES) in December 2007 signed a Memorandum of Understanding in the Republic of Senegal and set aside February the 2nd  of  every year to be celebrated as Sene-Gambia Brotherhood Day.

Last year’s event was held in The Gambia while the 2009 celebration just concluded hosted in Sokone, a locality which is not far from the Gambia-Senegal border. The Gambia delegation included officials of the Department of State for Education, office of the governor- North Bank Region, GTU Executive led by its President Mr Omar J. Ndure and General Secretary, Marie Antoinette Corr.

The Senegalese Minister for education, Honourable Khalilou Diallo, graced the occasion together with the Prefect of Foundiougne, the Mayor of Sokone, Imams and other distinguished personalities. In welcoming the delegates, the Mayor of Sokone expressed gratitude to SUDES for choosing to host such an important celebration in his city. He went to   recall some of the historic events of the Senegambia region and deliberate  on some of the socio-cultural issues that bind the two countries together.

For his part, Momodou Marr, the Deputy Governor of North Bank Region (NBR) reiterated the fact that the people of Senegal and The Gambia are inseparable as they share not only traditional ties but also blood ties. According to the Deputy Governor almost every Senegalese has a Gambian relative and the same is true of Gambia too.

Honourable Khalilou Diallo, the Senegalese minister for Education commended GTU and SUDES for their efforts in strengthening the process of integrating the two countries. He pledged his unflinching support to GTU and SUDES for the initiative. He emphasized the important role teachers can play in bringing their two people together since they are always in touch with people at the grassroots.

Other speakers in the occasion included Mr. Momodou Joof president of SUDES, Mr. Omar J. Ndure, president GTU, Mrs Antoinette Corr  general secretary GTU and Madam Sainabou Gaye of SUDES who all expressed similar sentiments. The occasion was punctuated with traditional dancing and singing.  Essa  Sowe, Deputy General Secretary, GTU introduced the Gambia delegates and Mr. Ensa Jallow of SUDES introduced delegates and also double as the Master of ceremony.

Author: By Mariatou Ngum-Saidy