VP Njie-Saidy opens NAYCONF

Thursday, December 18, 2008
Aja Dr Isatou Njie-Saidy, the vice president and secretary of state for Women’s Affairs, yesterday, presided over the official opening of NAYCONF 2008 at the Farafenni Mini Stadium, North Bank Region.

The theme for this year’s event is ‘Invest in youths for sustainable development’. In her opening statement, VP Njie-Saidy stated that it is a common knowledge that young people form the majority in The Gambia and, therefore, to maximise their development, every body needs to contribute in effort to empower them in accordance with the MDG’s.
In the drive to achieve such targeted goals, she said, the government has established many tangible opportunities such as the National Youth Service Scheme (NYSS), where successes have been made in training young people on various fields. She also noted the rapid development in the country’s youth sector in a wider area of empowerment ventures.

VP Njie-Saidy then observed that the government had also accorded gains in the education sector, citing the establishment of the President’s Empowerment of Girl’s Education Project (PEGEP). She challenged the young people to demonstrate visionary leadership in the course of the gathering, so spend the available time on on discussing tangible resolutions with the potential to address their problems.

VP Njie-Saidy used the opportunity  expressed disapproval over the level of indifference among many young people, for their failure to take advantage of the numerous opportunities they are accorded.

She noted that 47 per cent of Gambians are young people, whoes development prospect lies on their shoulders. She commended the youths who have answered to Professor Jammeh’s clarion call to take up skilful activities and live in dignity and respect.

The vice president then urged young people to make best use of the emerging development prospects under President Jammeh’s government, challenging them to make hay while the sun shines. She thanked all those who contributed in the facilitation of the 2008 NAYCONF.

Sheriff Gomez, secretary of state for Youths and Sports, described the event as significant on the national calendar. According to him, Professor Jammeh is indeed an inspiration for the Youths and Sport Department. The youths and sports department, he went on, is fundamentally overseeing the youths and children in their up bringing, making them responsible future leaders.

He applauded the young people for commencing the event in full force and expressed hope that participants in various aspects in the event will come out with tangible resolutions. He used the occasion to thank the private and public sector organisations who have worked tirelessly towards the attainment of the 2008 NAYCONF.

He also expressed appreciation to his cabinet colleagues and thanked President Jammeh for his tremendous motivation to the youths as well as his unshakable commitment in the development of the young people of this country.

Alhagie Kebbeh, chairman of the National Youth Council (NYC), said that young people of The Gambia are thoroughly inspired by President Jammeh. He acknowledged the significant developments registered over the years. According to him, the theme of this years event., ‘invest in youths for sustainable development,’ is aimed at driving the livelihood of young people for development.

The establishment of the NYC, according to Mr Kebbeh, is a clear manifestation of the interest President Jammeh has in youth development. He added that NAYCONF provides room for the young people to come together to discuss important issues that confront their lives.  

Illegal migration, he said, has been a burning issue the world over, but that the young people of The Gambia have a vision to develop their country. But he urged them to desist from taking the dangerous route to Europe. “If people do not invest in the economic sector, the global crises that the world is facing  will continue,” he said, emphasising on the need to concentrate on national development and make good use of available resources.

For his part, Alhagie Ganyie Touray, governor of the Central River Region, who is currently overseeing the North Bank Region, praised President Jammeh for his commitment in youth development. He said the people of NBR are proud to host the 2008 NAYCONF and expressed hope that young people will demonstrate maximum participation during the course of the event.

Other speakers included Omar Khan, governor of Upper River Region. The opening ceremony was characterised by match pass led by the Gambia Police Band, students and cultural troops.

Author: by Amadou Jallow in Farafenni, NBR