WR Deputy Governor Warns Alkalolu, Land Owners

Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Deputy Governor of Western Region, Mrs. Sainabou Faal has warned village heads and land owners in the region of a possible seizure of their lands for agricultural purposes.

Deputy Governor Faal made these remarks on Monday in Bwiam, Foni Kansala district during a meeting with the community and hunger-free campaigners.

According to her, it has been realised that most of the food consumed in the country is produced by the women farmers and yet still, they have no control over land. She said if men fail to use their lands, it would be given to women who are willing and ready to take up the challenge.

Madam Faal warned land owners and Alkalolu to be mindful of losing their lands, if they fail to develop them. She noted that under such circumstances, women can take over for agricultural purposes. She, however, challenged women to cut their spending during ceremonies and safe part of the income for agricultural expansion.

Deputy Governor Faal also challenged young people to take agriculture seriously.

“You are able and strong, thus need to venture into farming”, she said, and then commended Action aid and its partners for the laudable initiative.

Speaking earlier, Mrs. Jainaba Nyang-Njie, Action-aid Communications Director informed the gathering that the tour is a follow-up to that of last year. The campaign, she added, is aimed among others to create awareness on the need to grow more food.

Madam Nyang-Njie emphasised the need to support women with farming implements so as to enable them grow more food, hence it’s established that they should grow more of what they eat.

Meta Coreta and Gai Nyassi, speaking on behalf of the farmers, appealed to government and NGO’s to provide them with farming implements and enough fertilisers to boost their production.

For her part, Aminata Hydara of the Africa Coalition Against Hunger revealed that a billion people goes to bed hungry in the world.

“In every second, a child dies of hungry”, she said, noting that concerted effort is needed to address the global problem.

Meanwhile, the hunger-free campaign arrived in Brikama-Ba in the Central River Region yesterday after a series of meetings on their way.

The caravan, which is on a nationwide tour, held its second meeting in Soma in the Lower River Region.

Addressing the meeting, the head chief of the area, Yaya Jarjusey challenged all Gambians to work for what they eat. He hailed Gambian women for their hard work while encouraging the men folk to emulate the women.

Author: Nfamara Jawneh in CRR