A mission on earth for a commission
Painfully you did find your way on earth
Joyfully were you received
To experience the turbulence of living
The rate-race and enemity.
Full of failures and achievements
Doubtful events yet still happen
Every tomorrow remain a mystery
As the world is uncertain
As we take it today
Wearing expensive clothes that are naked
Practising ungodly love relationship
Going to beaches and clubs
Smoking cigarette now legalized
Culture and tradition left crying.
Innocent as it looks
Which knows no where to go like a lost sheep
But would be found one day by the Lord
So shall we vanish in the thin air
One find day at the termination on our mission
Leaving behind sadness and worries.
So it is better we plan for it,
In order to meet
The good recommendation in the hereafter.
Dedicating this poem to my late daddy,
Alhagie Hassan G Sallah. May his soul rest in perfect peace, Ameen.
Author: By Edrissa Sallah , Lamin Village, Kombo North.