Vinasha Set to Organise Festival of Gambian Movies

Monday, November 20, 2006
As Vinasha Productions’ relentless strive to carve a giant status for The Gambia in the world of filmmaking continue to show no sign of abating, the Bakau-based internationally acclaimed film production outfit is once again gearing up for yet another epoch-making ground-breaking programme, which if all goes according to plans, will go yet, another step closer in imbuing the love for homemade movies into the hearts and minds of the Gambian populace.

According to the Managing Director of Vinasha Productions Ltd, Mrs Nana Ofori Atta-Oguntola, her company will organize what she called “the Gambia’s first Festival of Gambian movies from 1 to 13 December 2006.

“The reason why we thought of organizing this film festival is because we feel that the Gambian populace are not receptive to Gambian movies. They are more appreciative of foreign movies which we don’t see the reason why that is so because our movies are interesting, funny and poignant and the production is quality and of very high standard. When you watch our movies you don’t see picture jumping everywhere and nonsense sound.

“When we went to Nigeria to collect our award we saw how the Nigerian movie superstars that Gambians like were impressive over our local artists. Our artists get more respect and admiration outside The Gambia - why is this so? It is about time we supported the movie stars we have here so that other people can appreciate what is coming from the Gambia because the film industry is a money making venture. Besides, creating employment opportunity it also promoting tourism and investment.”

Added Mrs Ofori Atta-Oguntola with glee: “We are the only company that put films on M Net, Africa Magic and OBE because we have proven track record of excellence.” In view of this, she noted that her company could take The Gambian film industry to higher heights if they are given the required support.

According to her, this year’s film festival will feature only Vinasha’s movies but next year other producers’ films in The Gambia would be featured, adding that in the subsequent years they will invite regional and international producers to partake in the festival.

So far GAMTEL, Commit Enterprise and ACCESS Bank are the companies that have agreed to serve as sponsors for the month-long event.

However, the Vinasha Production boss is calling on institutions and corporate individuals to come on board to support this worthy venture so as to make it happen. Meanwhile, during this festival, Vinasha will organise the following activities:

Launch of Gamtel sponsored ‘Banjul Cops’ on DVD and VHS; presentation of documentaries and dramas on HIV/AIDS on DVD to National Aids Secretariat; All Vinasha movies will be sold at half price; radio/press and TV advertising messages about movies produced from 1 to 31 December 2006;
weekly radio talk on West Coast Radio, Kids With Talent and City Limits radio stations during the festival month; 2 TV talk shows on GRTS in December; placement of 2 billboards celebrating Gambian movies in key locations for six months; broadcast of 2 Gambian movies (1 in English, 1 in Wollof but subtitled in English) per week for 10 weeks.

Meanwhile, the Secretary of State for Communication, Information and Technology, Hon. Neneh Macdoull-Gaye, will preside over the launch of festival of Gambian movies on December 1, 2006.
Source: The Point
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