Travel Talk 2007 Awards

Saturday, December 29, 2007

How fast time flies when you are in a good company .In less than a week, Travel Talk desk of The Point will confer its prestigious annual awards to outstanding personalities in the food and drinks industry in The Gambia.

Not only informed by our unfading desire to recognize those people and outfits that have made significant strides in the country’s gastronomic, accommodation and drinks industry, Travel Talk awards is also geared towards encouraging players in the food and drinks industry as well as ensuring that standards do not drop.

As part of this year’s awards, a team of leisure and entertainment consultants were tasked with the responsibility of discerning the deserving winners and outfits for Travel Talk 2007 Awards and after settling down to work, they came out with some personalities and outfits that are worthy of nomination and recognition.

It’s against this backdrop that Alhaji Laye Mboge, proprietor of Palm Beach and Badala hotels, was nominated among the lots as the Travel Talk Hotelier of the Year. Hatib Janneh, CEO of Seaview Hotel has been nominated as the Youngest Hotshot Hotelier of the Year whilst Kunta Kinteh Beach Bar has been singled out as the Best Beach Bar of the Year. 4 Seasons Fried Chicken Restaurant has been nominated as this year’s Best Restaurant of the Year whilst Yaser Nameh of Mac Fadi’s has been selected as the Restaurateur of the Year.

Source: The Point