UNDP give vehicles to projects

Tuesday, December 4, 2007
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), on Thursday, donated six brand new vehicles and office equipment to various projects in the country, at a ceremony held at the UN house at Cape Point, Bakau.

The donation to beneficiaries which included the Rapid Advisory and Capacity Development Facility, Gambia Priority Empowerment Programme (GAMJOBS), the National Assembly, Support to the establishment of the National Planning Commission, and the HIV/AIDS project respectively, are meant for the effective implementation of various UNDP projects.

Speaking at the ceremony, Dr Adama Gundo, outgoing UNDP charge de affaires affirmed that in its firm belief in responding adequately to the development needs of the government and the people of The Gambia, the UNDP had embarked on various projects as outlined in the country’s program with the aim of building capacity, particularly for the public and private sectors, promoting growth and poverty reduction, supporting good governance, and fighting the spread of HIV/AIDS. He added that other crosscutting issues addressed included gender equity, advocacy, resource mobilisation, beneficial partnerships, coordination and environment.

Dr Gundo took the opportunity to reaffirm UNDP’s mandate with regard to the government and people of The Gambia, and its determination to fulfil it through the Country Programme Document and Country Programme Action Plan (CPAP) for the year 2007 to 2011.

“These documents set a four-year framework for mutual cooperation between the government of the Gambia and the UNDP and takes into account The Gambia’s long-term strategy, Vision 2020 and draw upon the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (prsp), the Common Country Assessment (CCA), the United Nations Development Framework (UNDAF) and the country Program Development (CPD) 2007 -2011, which collectively reflect the country’s development priorities and national commitment to the attainment of the MDGs,” he said.

Dr Gundo further reaffirmed the UNDP’s commitment to national development and went on to announce forthcoming projects on the pipeline, such as the projects on Ultimate Change, Biodiversity and Civil Service Reform.

While commending The Gambia government for their support and creating an enabling environment for UNDP’s activities in the Gambia, Dr Gundo used the occasion to urge the beneficiaries to take proper care of the vehicles for the projects.

Speaking on behalf of the beneficiaries, Honourable Fatoumata Jahumpa-Ceesay, Speaker of the National Assembly, commended UNDP for the gesture. She recalled that earlier this year, the government and the UNDP concluded and launched several projects, including one with the National Assembly known as the UNDP Support for Capacity Building of the National Assembly.

“This, among several others, are part of the UNDP - GoTG Country Programme 2007-2011. It is against this background that the UNDP purchased these vehicles and equipment for use by the various projects,” she confirmed.

Speaker Jahumpa-Ceesay warned that the vehicles and equipment are strictly for the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of these projects activities, adding that knowing the strong resolve and high sense of purpose and duty of the government in power, these vehicles and equipment will be put into very good use.

“This is a very positive but challenging trend and I urge all beneficiaries to put all hands on deck to ensure that these projects are executed to the fullest benefit of all Gambians. Our government under President Jammeh has zero tolerance for non-performance, inefficiency and excuses. Therefore we want tangible results at the end of each project circle and would on no account condone abuse or misuse of project offices or resources,” she stated.
he then saluted the UNDP for their support to the government in its drive to meet the MDGs. The ceremony was chaired by Sainabou Gaye, communication and resource mobilisation analyst of UNDP - The Gambia.

Author: by Hatab Fadera & Musa Ndow