Vinasha boss extends a helping hand to a sprouting Gambian music star

Thursday, April 12, 2007
Dr. Olugander is among the leading young musicians of The Gambia. On the 25th April 2007, he is dropping his new album in the market.

Already promotional posters have been pasted all over the Greater Banjul Area and radios are also transmitting further information about the release of the album called "Little Gambia."

In a very impressive move, Nana Ofori Atta-Oguntula the boss of Vinasha Productions in Bakau already pledged to purchase one hundred and fifty copies of the new album.

In a very happy mood Dr. Olugander told What’s On a few days ago “Nana is just great and I wish we have lot of her type. I was really surprised when she called me and said I am buying one hundred and fifty copies. This is really a source of encouragement for me and I am beginning to have confidence in my new album."

In a similar development, one Saikou Njie also pledged to buy seventy-five copies. According to the Gambian music star, many other people have also promised to get their copies on 25th April 2007.
Author: Written by Alieu Khan
Source: The Daily Observer