Marina International School holds speech day

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Marina International High School in Bakau, last Friday 8th June held its speech and prize giving ceremony, on the premises of the school.
Mrs. Patricia Lamour, headmistress of the school, speaking at the occasion highlighted numerous achievements made by her school over the years and spoke about the need to keep up the momentum and improve more in the interest educational development in the country.
According to her the school registered 400 students, out of which 245 are female and 215 male which she described as the largest ever registered by the school.

A total of 85 students have taken 700 IGCSE, over the last weeks and that 6th & 8th form students of the school have been entered for A’ levels, 88 in science and maths alone, the achievement which she said the school should be proud of, considering prior given to higher education in The Gambia, especially in science and technology.
Mrs. Patricia Lamour revealed that, Code of Conducts for students of the school has been revised which will be brought forward to the Parents Teacher Association (PTA) soon.  She made mentioned of 32 computers secured from computer aid in the UK, which meant by next year during ICT lessons every student will have a computer to him or herself as well as departments will have one for use of teachers to produce teaching materials for the classroom she said.

Mustapha Njie, alias TAF General Manager of TAF Construction Ltd, who was the guest speaker, advised the students of the school to take their work seriously and aim for excellence at all time.
Mr. Njie however noted that, excellence doesn’t come easily; it is something which is achieved through hard work and commitment. He briefed the students and gathering about his life as professional constructor which began at a tender age. He urged the students and especially parents to inculcate the spirit of education and discipline in their children for the interest of national development. The occasion was attended by PTA, students, invited guest, and prizes were awarded to outstanding students in different fields, teachers and other staff of the school in recognition of their invaluable contribution to the school.


Author: Written by Sanna Jawara
Source: The Daily Observer Newspaper