Handball Gets New Executive Committee

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Delegates from affiliated clubs to the Gambia Handball Association yesterday morning elected a new executive committee mandated to run the affairs of the Association for the next three years.

Eight Handball clubs namely Prisons, Fire Service, Immigration, KMC, Lion Heart, Warriors, Wallidan and Elf Sporting attended the congress.
But only six clubs were allowed to vote as Wallidan and Elf Sporting were disqualified for presenting two different sets of delegates.

Armed Forces and Dag Martin were absent from the congress.

After deliberation, Kebba Jobe was elected as the new president of the Association.
He defeated Martin S. Johnson with 13 votes to 5.

Councilor Momodou Lamin Badgie of KMC was elected unopposed as Vice President of the Association.
The new Secretary General is Nuha Darboe and would be assisted by Modou Lamin Sanyang.

Bai Cham, President of the Scorpions Fan Club, was elected as the new treasurer.

The other members of the executive committee are Njameh Joof, Kumba Ceesay and Pa Dodou Sarr.

Author: By Ebou Manneh & Alkali Cham
Source: The Point
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