
Monday, February 18, 2008

The editorial department ofThe Pointwould like to apologise to Arab Gambia Islamic Bank, Mrs Njoba Sankareh and our general readership on account of an error contained in our lead story of yesterday, on the lawsuit involving Jatto Ceesay.
The error concerns the statement that Mrs Njoba Sankareh is a guarantor when, as the following letter from AGIB clarifies, her only connection to the matter is that her address was used by the defendant, Jatto Ceesay, for correspondence purposes.
The reaction from AGIB runs thus:

Dear Sir,


We refer to the article in your newspaper of Thursday 14th February 2008 in the front page captioned:JATTO CEESAY SUED FOR D2.5M.

The case of Jatto Ceesay is presently in the High Court of The Gambia and was mentioned on Wednesday 13" February 2008, and adjourned to the21st February 2008.

We have observed that the article stated that the facility to Jatto Ceesay by the Arab Gambian Islamic Bank Ltd(AGIB) was guaranteed byNJOBA SANKAREHof the Central Bank of The Gambia, Ecowas Avenue, Banjul, which is not correct.

Mrs. Njoba Sankarehof the Central Bank of The Gambia is not the Guarantor for the facility extended to Jatto Ceesay. This facility is fully secured by a Legal Mortgage of the Defendant’s property.

Mrs Njoba Sankareh’s address was being used by the Defendant(JATTO CEESAY)to facilitate correspondence between the Plaintiff and the Defendant.

Mrs Sankarehhas never been a party, or a Guarantor to the facility provided to the Defendant by the Bank(AGIB).

We therefore wish to solicit your cooperation, in regularizing this portion of your article in order to show the real story and to relieveMrs. Sankarehfrom any involvement in this matter as soon as possible.

Source: The Point