Saturday car market opens tomorrow

Friday, May 30, 2008
The first ‘Saturday Car Market’ establish by The Gambia’s Omar Sambou, opens on Saturday June 7, 2008 at the Independent Stadium in Bakau.

Sponsored by the Great Alliance Insurance, Total and ESPACE Motors, the aim of the Saturday Car market is to bring car dealers and people looking for cars together to make business.

Narrating their aims to the Daily Observer, Joseph Stulemeijer, the company’s adviser said the market will include all cars and the marketing will be located at the Independent stadium. He stated that the market will start on June 7th saying “after the starting  of the first market, it will be a continues basis. It will also be held on the 7th, 14th and the 21st if the first business is successful.

According to him, the benefit is for anyone willing to sell a car. He added “one will only park his or her car and pay the price of the packing. It is only the right to parking to expose your car that one will pay. There after, we will make publicity to look for interested buyers” he said. He then highlighted that payment for the exposure of a Van is D150, Motocycles D50 and trucks D300.

Author: by Alhagie Jobe