Youth Matters: The state of preparedness of NAYCONF 2008

Friday, July 18, 2008
Members of the National Organizing Committee of the National Youth Conference and Festival (NAYCONF) slated for December this year, Yesterday, Thursday 17, converged at the conference hall of the Independence Stadium to discuss the state of preparedness.

According to Abdoulie Faye of the National Youth Council, the discussions will center on key issues bordering the final preparations regarding the December conference. He noted that everything was in place in terms of the actual organization, and that all the sub committees had been selected, but he was quick to indicate that financing was still not forthcoming. He disclosed that already they had secured $12500, from thanks to UNICEF and UNFPA, a figure accounting for just of fraction of the overall budget, which stands at a solid sum of D3M.

However, in yesterday’s meeting, according to Mr Faye, the NOC was supposed to identify the actual date, a decision they had found difficult to make in avoidance of the holy feats of Tobaski and Christmas. The meeting was also supposed to accord them the opportunity to develop a comprehensive calendar for the occasion.

The NYC program officer also revealed that the sport sub-committee was already inspecting the sport facilities in Farafenni, the venue for the occasion. Financial issues however remained a big issue, although Mr Faye chose to remain optimistic that everything would be alright. He said that plans were under way to intensify fundraising activities through the fundraising committee. He concluded by calling the general public to come "invest in the youth, as they are the future leaders," and that their development was crucial to the development of the nation.

Author: by Kemo Cham