GNOC Ordinary Session of General Assembly tomorrow

Friday, January 9, 2009
The rescheduled 2008 Ordinary Session of the General Assembly of the Gambia National Olympic Committee would be held tomorrow at GNOC headquarters at Mile 7,  Bakau.

The annual gathering could not go as planned in late December due to the unavailability of quorum. Alhaji Abou Dandeh Njie, the president of the National Olympic Committee told the few delegates that turned up to the aborted gathering that the session cannot proceed since they didn’t have the required number of delegates to proceed.

He therefore announced January 10, as the  new date for the event, which is in fulfillment of article Vll, section 7.1 and 7.4 of the Gambia National Olympic Committee. One of the primary purposes of the assembly is to create an enabling environment for all the registered sporting affiliates to fully participate in the review and evaluation of activities undertaken by National Olympic Committee during the year under review.  

The event, which is usually held at the end of the year, also provides a unique platform for the secretary of state for Youth and Sports to address the sporting fraternity, particularly in the area of government’s strategic priorities in the development of sports.

Author: By Nanama Keita