7th Cuban scientific meeting lines up

Friday, November 24, 2006
The Cuban Health Team, which is playing a prominent role in the country’ s health care services, will hold its 7th Scientific Meeting on Sunday, December 3, 2006.

This gathering will crown a series of scientific meetings already held in each of the Health Regions as well as the Royal Victoria Teaching Hospital and the School of Medicine & Allied Health Sciences, where Cuban Doctors and Lecturers continue to serve The Gambia. The venue of this important conference will be the Lecture Theatre of the School of Nursing in Banjul.

According to Professor Arturo Menendez, Chairman of the Organizing Committee and who doubles as an adviser to the Provost School of Medicine & Allied Health Sciences, the date has been chosen in remembrance of the anniversary of the birth of Dr. Carlos J. Finlay, an outstanding Cuban scientist of the 19 and 20 centuries. “The day also coincides with the Health Workers’ Day in Cuba”, he added.

Elaborating on the program, Professor Arturo Menendez mentioned that the scientific gathering will start with a plenary session, followed by paper presentations in the various classrooms of the School. “This will be followed by panels of Professors who will have to evaluate presentations in order to select the best ones”, he indicated.
Author: Written by Abdoulie John
Source: The Daily Observer Newspaper
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