FAO to commemorate World Food Day

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The country’s  office of the Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO), the UN food and agricultural agency, is currently warming up for the commemoration of the World Food Day, and a world-wide candle light vigil celebration of the Telefood Day, scheduled for October 22.

This year’s celebration is themed:  “The Right To Food”.

Reports from the FAO office in Banjul revealed that the objective of this year’s celebration, is to raise awareness on the fight against hunger and to promote universal food security.

This target can also be achieved by mobilising through the globe- a wide spectrum of governmental and civil society organisations concerned with the issues of hunger, malnutrition and poverty, the FAO added.

According to the report, the event will be marked with a candle light ceremony, symbolising hope and solidarity.

As a result, The Gambia will join the rest of the world in celebrating this important event at the Buffer Zone in Latrikunda.

“The candle light vigil will be held at 6.00pm, starting from the south west pacific towards westwards across each time zone in a string of similar events, with media coverage from global media networks,” the report confirmed.

It added that the candle light vigil on the right to food is an event being promoted by FAO and  it will involve governments and other local partners, as well as nationals committees, associations and alliances against hunger, to promote and to participate in the organisation of the event.

The event will be attended by senior government officials, Gambian artists, media representatives  and school children.

Author: by Dagain Nyan
Source: The Daily Observer Newspaper