Evicted vendors raise concerns

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Barely seven months ago, a group of about one hundred women vendors, who were occupying the triangular space at the Brikama market, were evicted by the Brikama Area Council (BAC). This measure has caused a lot of noise within the business women circle.

Concerns raised by those women have reached the Daily Observer that BAC, is said to have sold the place to a Dutch national, whose partner named is Ebrima Sanneh. The allocated area is thus supposed to be used as a bar and restaurant.

“We were occupying this place for so many years with no problem. But now our businesses are every day suffering setback, due to the eviction,” one desperate woman told the Daily Observer, who now has no choice,   but to occupy the one meter space.

Kaddy Ceesay, another vendor, noted that when BAC sold the place, this decision was challenged, as it was against the interest of the people.   She added in a pathetic tone: “For the second time   the Council forced us to vacate the place without providing us any other alternative.”

“We rely on this business for our living and our children’s school fee,’’shouted out Ndaye Jarju another affected vendor. She then indicated that they are now facing difficulties and called on BAC to settle this matter as soon as possible. Nato Gitteh, another affected vendor, dislosed that most of them are widows and has no one to support them.   She described the gesture as a real setback in the Municipality’s daily routine.

Sereign Modou Joof, Public Relations Officer of Brikama Area Council disputed the vendors’ opinions, noting that the Council has leased the place to the Holland national at a tune of   D70,000 annually for seven years.  

He said that at the end of the seven years contract, it will be the Councils discretion as to whether to extend the lease or not.

Author: by Amadou Jallow