My ordeal in United Kingdom

Friday, October 26, 2007

However I could have written my ordeals in the United Kingdom at an earlier date, but I was waiting to exhaust the possibilities of recovery but to no avail.   The Birmingham tribunal court had lingered me for a year only to inform me that they could not fight the case because I am not in The United Kingdom.   And I have been trying a solicitor in The Gambia, but later told by one Human Right Lawyer that any solicitor to fight the case must be resident in the UK .

I have also decided to write about my ordeals now for the attention of individuals, institutions, legal advisers, International Court of Justice, Common Wealth, and a citizen of a country who signed and observed series of human right conventions and also revealed how I have been systematically abused and traumatised in a first world country like the United Kingdom.

In February 2006 I had an unprovoked attack by a group of yobs at Amley sports and leisure centre as a security officer.   As a result of the attack I sustained injury in both lips and severe pain in my ribs and waist.   When I called the police, it took them long time before they could come to the scene.   The police promised to make a follow up of the case and to invite me to an identity parade of suspects.   However they never did. I was left hurt and traumatised and uncompensated.   Thanks to the high personal discipline and respect for Human Rights which I acquired from The Gambia, I thought of going out to retaliate on the racist brutes.

Two months later I was further abused by some parents and their children living near my flat by stoning me with water bombs waiting my Friday prayer gown.   I did not call the police because I thought I was only going to increase my pressure.   In the same week some boys deliberately damaged my car’s bonnet and broke a side mirror and a reflector.   Again when I complained to the dad of the blokes, he only told me that they would not do it again.   Disgusting, isn’t it?

In February 2007 when I moved to another flat in beeston I was again abused by another group of yobs from ages 5-12 years old who threw stones at my car because refused them to give me a push which I did not need.   They ran away and came later to stone our flat chanting that they were the ones who threw stones at my car.   As more and more stones showered on our flat, I thought that was becoming risky then I had to phone the police.   However I was told by the police that being a week-end there were not enough men at their office to come to the scene.   When the stoning did not cease after fifteen minutes I decided to call them again threatening that I would go out and abuse them as well.   They did restrain me not to go out and that they were coming soon.   After five minutes two constables came to our flat and thanked me for being sensible for not having gone out when the youths had already left.  

Three weeks later at about 3.00 am whilst I was in bed I heard heavy crashing followed by running steps of an adult or a heavy bloke.   When I went down stairs I found the kitchen window totally destroyed with a heavy stone about fifteen kilos. I collected the stone for possible exhibit and called the police but a police officer only came a day after the incident presumably I was black. In September 2007, I was again abused by another bloke who was with his girl friend at a bus stop in Halton Moor in Leeds . The bloke just looked at me and Uttered the following racist statement: You nigger why are you staring at me?   “And he continued, I mean you nigger”, pointing and walking towards me.   I only ignored him and later called the police who only came to the scene two hours after the bloke and I had left. I could not sleep for the whole of that night because of anger, it was a real torture of my personal prestige and self actualisation.   However it’s been noted that Amley and Halton Moor are most volatile towns in West Yorkshine in terms of race abuse.

The ordeal that is still weighing me down heavily was the one that came to me a week after I have been abused at the bus stop by the bloke.   It was only early morning at about 8:00 am in the first week of October 2007 when a group of immigration officers stormed by three bed-rooms flat in Halton Moor.   I was arrested on the pretext that I was working over 20 hours a week as non European Union student in contravention of their immigration acts. However I was detained under very deteriorating conditions in Leeds before finally moved to two more detention centres and when I was finally removed from UK to The Gambia with the only clothes I was wearing.   During this time I was denied the right to a bail hearing which was scheduled three days before my hasty removal. I was equally denied a solicitor and some of my friends and relatives who could help me with one in UK , Europe and the US were either not given time to do it or were otherwise denied access to communication through all the detention centers.   And three days before my removal an immigration adviser came to interview me as to whether I wanted to go home, but answered that I wanted to complete my masters program in education which was in the final year.   However the immigration adviser told me it was no force to say one would go home and she would inform them as I said.   And finally all these efforts were put into a deaf ear.   I was consequently taken to my last detention camp in Gatwick without notice, and where I was abruptly flown to The Gambia with my only clothes I was wearing.

It will be catastrophic to hide that the removal has equally devastated the lives of my family members especially my wife and children as I have not come with a pound nor found a dalasi in my account. I have equally lost a three bed-room house hold valuables of nearly ten thousand pounds, fiscal cash of three thousand pounds sent to me for my college fees and bank cards worth of two thousand or more pounds.   What devastated me more was I could not find employment until after four months.

After a critical diagnosis of my ordeals, one would therefore discern that I lost the following fundamental human rights of mine:

The right to freedom of expression and proper hearing at a law court.

The right to freedom of movement

The right to education

The right to a descent family life as stipulated in the human right charters.

I therefore call the attention of The United Kingdom government, Bob Geldorf and his campaign for poverty alleviation in Africa to feel how my above rights have been trampled and how I am becoming more and more an economic, social and academic liability in my society due to the trauma caused by the ordeals.

However it is very important for all stakeholders in the maintenance of human rights and global peace to note that I was never a liability in the United Kingdom .   The proof is that before leaving for United Kingdom through a family sponsorship I was already a professional at diploma and degree levels from university of The Gambia , thanks to the current leadership of The Gambia government.

In addition I acquired a certificate in Business Technology, and SIA license for UK after acquiring SITO training certificate which permits me to work in the security industry up to 2009.

I was regularly going to college in my final year (M.Ed) and was able to acquire and maintain a council house up to the day of my removal.

And finally as a descent citizen of this globe with great human development potentials, I fanatically believe that the international communities including UN and of course the government of United Kingdom owe me some form of compensation in kind or cash. I am still interested to complete my final year Masters in Education at Stratford College London.


Ibrahim Jones

Author: by Ibrahim Jones