Gambia will never betray Taiwan

Tuesday, December 11, 2007
President Yahya Jammeh has said that his visit to the Republic of Taiwan was to strengthen Gambia-Taiwan relations and to assure them that The Gambia will never betray them.

President Jammeh made these remarks on Sunday night at the Banjul International Airport shortly after arriving with a high powered delegation from the Republc of Taiwan after a six-day working visit.

He noted that during the visit, they also called on the government of Taiwan to implore the private sector to come and invest in The Gambia, as Taiwan has a very independent private sector like The Gambia.

“We are also interested in some of the activities of certain private sector [companies] as their services are much needed in The Gambia in the provision of solar energy so that it is affordabe to the rural populace, as well as wind energy and other forms of energy.

We also visited lots of institutions like the Azus Computer Company were they produce computers that are conducive to the Gambian environment and we also strenghten relations in other areas with the government of Taiwan. We do hope that the private sector would come but these areas mentioned will be coming to the Gambia very soon because we have projects with regards to rural electrifications, to make electricity affordable to every Gambian. The private sector is interested in investing in the Gambia,” he affirmed.

On the Gambia government diplomatic campaign towards Taiwan’s recognition as an independent sovereign nation, President Jammeh said that the whole world knows that The Gambia has been consistent in the stance for Taiwan and the Taiwanese government and people are satisfied with what The Gambia is doing.

“We don’t intend to do more than these because our voice is very loud and clear and our stance visa-vis Mainland China and the Republic of Taiwan are consistent with our policy  and they know that wherever we are, we will speak for them,” he concluded.

President Jammeh was recieved at the foot of the aircraft by Vice President, Dr Aja Isatou Njie-Saidy, Honourable Fatoumatta Jahumpa-Ceesy, speaker of the National Assembly, secretaries of state, members of the diplomatic and consular corps among others.

Author: by Alhagie Jobe